This is - test environment for the library
Zotero demonstration - Biomedical Libraries
Tuesday 27 October, at 15:00 - 16:00
Zotero is a free software that helps you save search results and organize your references and downloaded texts. With Zotero it is easier to insert references in a text and create a bibliography.
About the demonstration
The demonstrations include examples of how you fetch references from databases within science, medicine and health and care sciences.
Learn how to:
- save references to books, articles and webpages
- create bibliographies according to different citation styles
- make changes to preferences in Zotero
If there are any non-Swedish speaking participants, we give the demonstration in English. You don't have to register in advance.
Connect via Zoom:
The target audience is students and researchers at the Faculty of Science and the Sahlgrenska Academy.
- Event series: Zotero demonstrations
- Event type: Webinar