This is - test environment for the library
Request manuscripts
If you need the University Library's manuscripts for your research, you can make a request to have the material brought to the special reading room at the Humanities Library.
How to request manuscripts
Fill out the form to request a manuscript you have found in Alvin or in another source. Please note that this only applies to manuscripts held by the Gothenburg University Library.
Follow these steps when requesting a manuscript to the special reading room:
- Search for the manuscript in Alvin or in the Library's other directories.
- Describe the material you wish to request. Enter the archive shelf mark and volume number. Provide the link to the entry in Alvin, if possible.
- Enter your name, address, university affiliation and the number of your GU card or library card.
- Please describe the purpose of your research (optional).
Read the material in the special reading room
We will contact you when the material has arrived to the special reading room at the Humanities Library, where you can read it.
You need a valid GU card or library card to read manuscripts. If you don't have a Swedish personal number you can apply for access to the special reading room by filling out a form at the reading room desk. In this case you don't need a library card. Please bring a valid identification.
In addition to the Library's general terms of use, there are specific rules for the use of manuscripts and other unique material in the special reading room.