Older books in card catalogues

If you are looking for older books and you don't find them in Supersearch, you can use one of our card catalogues instead.

Find books in scanned card catalogues

The University Library has a number of scanned card catalogues which are available online. You can browse and request books directly from the scanned catalogues.

Katalog -1957 (Pre -1957 Catalogue) contains references to literature within all subject areas, published up until 1957.

Biokat contains references to literature within medicine and natural sciences until about 1980. Literature within these subjects published before 1957 can be found in Katalog -1957.

Botankat contains references to literature within botany up to 1989. Literature within botany before 1957 can be found in Katalog -1957.

Dahlkat contains references to professor Carl G. Dahls (1875-1959) collection of literature within pomology (the study of cultivated fruits and fruit trees), horticulture and landscaping. The collection includes publications printed between 1539 and 1959. Use Katalog -1957 if you want to order materials from the Dahl collection.

Eko contains references to literature within business administration, economics and law, published prior to 1980.

Lärobokskatalogen 1958-75 (School Textbook Catalogue) contains references to textbooks for Swedish elementary school and upper secondary school from 1958 to 1975. Literature within these subjects published before 1957 can be found in Katalog -1957.

Search printed card catalogues

If you can't find the book in our scanned card catalogues, you can search the printed card catalogues that are not scanned.

Catalogue 58-

Catalogue 58- is a printed card catalogue placed at the Humanities Library that contains references to literature published between 1958 to circa 1975.

A few smaller card catalogues are located at the Humanities Library.
Turn to the library for help with using the printed card catalogues.

Contact us about older books

Contact the Humanities Library, Biomedical Library or Social Sciences Library if you need help with older books or card catalogues.

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