Why register your publications

To make the research at the University of Gothenburg visible, all authors at the University are required to register their publications in the database GUP. The information is used for statistics and analysis.

Vice-Chancellor's decision on responsibilities

The Vice-Chancellor at the University of Gothenburg has decided that all of the University's scholarly works should be registered in the University's publications database, when published.

The responsibility for the quality of the registered information is divided between authors, heads of departments and the University Library.

Read the Vice-Chancellor's complete decision (in Swedish)

Contents of the GUP publications database

The database GUP (Göteborgs Universitets Publikationer) contains information about publications by authors at the University of Gothenburg. In addition to bibliographic information such as title and author, it holds data about the authors' connection to the University, the publications' scientificity and subject areas.

How the information in GUP is used

The information about the registered publications is used for evaluations and decisions, and as basis for presentation and further processing in other systems.

Allocation of research funding

The University of Gothenburg make use of bibliometric models when allocating part of the research funds to the faculties. The information about the publications in GUP serve as basis for these calculations. It's therefore important that the information about the authors' affiliation is correct.

More about bibliometrics

Visibility and metadata in SwePub

The information in GUP is exported to SwePub. SwePub is a search system provided by the National Library of Sweden where you can find articles, conference contributions and other scientific publications created at Swedish universities and government agencies.

In SwePub for analysis and bibliometrics you can export metadata of publications from SwePub to process and analyse.

Publications lists

The information in GUP is used to create publications lists for institutions and single authors on the University's website.

Contact us about registration in GUP

  • Telephone: 031 786 66 71

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