Requirements from research funders on open access

Swedish and international research funders have different requirements about how publicly funded research findings should be published open access.

What the requirements say

Research funders' requirements on open access publishing state that you must publish your research openly, either in an open access journal or by self-archiving in an open archive.

Different funders have different requirements on open access publishing. Requirements can stipulate that you publish under a certain license or that you must publish your research data. Requirements can also change over time and vary for different publication types. Check the current requirements from your funder.

Requirements that limit embargo

Funders often have demands on how soon your published findings are made freely available, when you don't publish in an open access journal directly.

Publishers, however, state an embargo in their terms and conditions. During the embargo you are not allowed to self-archive, which means there is a delay before you can make your findings freely available.

Be sure to check that your funder's requirements don't conflict with the terms and conditions from the publisher you plan to publish through.

More information about self-archiving

Explore requirements in Sherpa Juliet

You can use the database Sherpa Juliet to see what requirements different research funders have on open access publishing.

To Sherpa Juliet

Open access requirements from common research funders

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