This is - test environment for the library
Instruction for groups of teachers or researchers
As a teacher or researcher at the University you can contact the Library to request instruction for you and your colleagues. The instruction is free of charge.
Session contents
The Library offers instruction for groups of researchers and teachers at the University of Gothenburg. We customise the contents according to your needs and plan the sessions so that location and room suits you. We can come visit you at your department, or use the Library's facilities.
The instruction is free of charge for staff at the University of Gothenburg.
Instruction for researchers and teachers
These are a few examples of what our sessions can include:
- Search strategies in subject specific databases and citation databases
- A review of the Library's information resources based on your needs
- How to use alerts to stay updated in your research field
- Tips on how to make your research more visible
- Publishing strategies and open access
- Reference management with Endnote and Zotero
Instruction in how to teach information searching skills
The Library also holds instruction in how you as a teacher can teach information searching skills to your students. We go through the steps in teaching the students to search, evaluate and reference scholarly publications and other resources.
There are two Active Learning Classrooms (ALC) at the Biomedical Library. ALC are rooms designed and equipped to promote more interactive and flexible learning. Contact the Biomedical Library if you want to learn more about ALC or teach a class in the classrooms.
Contact us to request instruction
Contact us to request instruction for you and your group. Please let us know if there is anything in particular you would like our help with.
We'll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss what time, location and content that suits your group.