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Get started with Zotero
Zotero is a software that helps you collect and manage your references and pdf-files. Zotero makes it easier to insert citations and create a bibliography when you are writing an essay.
Download and install Zotero
Zotero is a free software which you can use with the Firefox, Chrome or Safari browsers. Download the software from
Start using Zotero
Once installed, you can start downloading references to your Zotero library from databases and search services. You can save and manage the references along with attached pdf files, insert the citations in your Word document and create bibliographies according to various citation styles. It is also possible to create notes, save copies of web pages and create groups to share references with others.
How to get started
To learn the basics of the software you can visit the Zotero website or come to the Library's demonstrations of Zotero.
Zotero website
Time and place for our Zotero demonstrations
Download modified style templates
When you install Zotero, a selection of common citation styles are included. If you can't find the style you want to use, more styles can be downloaded from the Zotero website.
If you are using the APA style, you can download an adapted style template that the Library has created and that allows you to reference Swedish legislation. Use our style template when citing motions, propositions and Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU series).
Download style template APA 6th (Swedish legislation)
How to install and use the style template
Download style template APA 7th (Swedish legislation)
How to install and use the style template
Finding full text directly
You can use the Library's link server to find full text articles and e-books through your Zotero library. Follow these steps to add the URL to the link server:
- Go to Advanced settings in Zotero.
- Input the following URL in the Link server field: - Save.
You can now access full texts directly from a reference in your Zotero library by choosing Search the Library.
Contact us about Zotero
Contact us if you have any questions about Zotero.