This is - test environment for the library
Suggest a purchase of new material
If Gothenburg University Library does not have the material you need, you can suggest that we purchase it. Materials can be books, journals, databases or other media.
Suggest a purchase
Use our form to suggest a purchase of the material you need. Before submitting a suggestion, please use Supersearch to make sure the library does not already have the material.
This happens when you submit a suggestion
You receive a confirmation of your purchase suggestion. Later, we will send you information regarding whether the library will buy the material or not and when you get access to the material.
Printed books
It usually takes two to three weeks before purchased books can be borrowed from the University Library, but sometimes it can take longer. We make a reservation for you when the book arrives and send a notification to you when the book is available for you. If the library chooses not to buy a printed book, we borrow it from another library as an interlibrary loan.
Buying an e-book is often a quicker process than buying a printed book. We send you an access link when the e-book is available, and you can also find the book in Supersearch after a few days.
Delivery of the library's journal subscriptions often starts at the turn of the year. When the journal is purchased, it will be available to you in our journal list and in Supersearch.
Databases and e-book packages
Databases and electronic book packages are selected in collaboration with institutions and research groups. You will find databases and e-book packages in the library's database list when they have been purchased.
How the library selects what to purchase
We buy titles that researchers, teachers and students at the University of Gothenburg request for scientific purposes. Our goal for the library collections is to support research at the University of Gothenburg.
In our acquisition policy, you can read more about how we select material for the library collections.