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Nvivo demonstrations and tutorials
Welcome to the University Library's free demonstrations and tutorials of the qualitative analysis programme Nvivo. No pre-registration is required.
About our demonstrations
The demonstrations are given via Zoom and have two themes:
- Getting started with Nvivo
- Using Nvivo for literature reviews
After all demonstrations, we offer tutorial time, where you have the opportunity to ask your own questions and get help with your project. You can also use the tutorial session to test and practice what we have covered in the demonstration. The tutorial session is always set one hour after the demonstrations and it is possible to just join the tutorial session.
You don't have to register in advance to the libraries' demonstrations. If there are any non-Swedish speaking participants, we give the demonstrations in English.
Make sure to install Nvivo on your computer before you attend, as we do not set aside time for this during the demonstrations.
Contact us to book a demonstration of Nvivo
Contact us if you want to book a demonstration of Nvivo for a master's course or for a group of researchers or PhD students. We tailor the event to the needs of the group. The minimum group size is 3 people.