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Publishers L-Z with a discount on publication fees
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg can get discounts on all or part of the publication fee through the university library's agreements with the following publishers.
Oxford University Press
Publish free of charge
The corresponding author does not have to pay any publication fee when publishing Open Access in Oxford University Press hybrid journals.
To make use of the agreement
- As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
- Once the article has been accepted for publication, the author receives an e-mail with login details and a link to the publishers "Author Services site”.
- On the Manuscript Licenses page, choose which type of license the article should be published under. Select an Open Access license (eg CC BY) to approve the terms of the license.
- You will come to the Publishing Charges for Your Article page with a subheading called "Open Access Prepayment Account" and a drop-down menu.
- Select Swedish Universities (Bibsam affiliated) on the menu.
- University Library verifies that the article belongs to a researcher affiliated to the University of Gothenburg and then the article is published Open Access.
Information for authors at Oxford University Press
PeerJ Journals
Publish free of charge
The Gothenburg University Library has prepaid publication fees at PeerJ to the value of USD 5000. This allows researchers at the University of Gothenburg to publish their articles at PeerJ at no cost. The agreement is valid until the entire deposit amount has been used. The University Library then decides if the agreement will be renewed.
To make use of the agreement
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication. The University Library will check your affiliation before approving the use of the fund.
PeerJ - University of Gothenburg Account Page
PLOS (Public Library of Science)
Publish free of charge
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg can publish Open Access free of charge at PLOS. The Gothenburg Univeristy Library has an agreement with PLOS and pays all publication fees.
To make use of the agreement
When you, the corresponding author, submit your manuscript to a journal at PLOS, select "Institutional Account Program" and the University of Gothenburg. If the article is accepted for publication, the library verifies your affiliation with the University of Gothenburg.
More about Institutional Account Program
Royal Society
Publish free of charge
The agreement allows for unlimited publication of open access articles in eight hybrid journals and two pure open access journals:
- Biology Letters
- Interface Focus
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface
- Notes and Records of the Royal Society
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Open Biology (pure open access)
- Royal Society Open Science (pure open access)
The agreement applies to articles with a Submisson date after January 1st 2021.
To make use of the agreement
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
Royal Society of Chemistry
Publish free of charge
The University of Gothenburg is participating in a consortium agreement for The Royal Society of Chemistry, where the publishing fees are included in the cost for the agreement. Corresponding authors at GU can publish Open Access in all journals included in the agreement.
Publishing in journals that are fully Open Access (Gold Open Access) is not part of the agreement.
To make use of the agreement
- As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
- The publisher will inform that the cost is already included in the agreement when they accept an article for publishing. The article is instantly available freely at the time of publishing.
Royal Society of Medicine
Publish free of charge in hybrid journals or at a discount in fully Open Access journals
- The agreement provides access to unlimited publication with open access in the publisher's hybrid journals.
- The agreement provides a 20% discount on publication in the publisher's fully open journals (Gold Open Access).
- Articles accepted for publication after January 1, 2020 are covered by the agreement.
The publisher has a script management system SOAP, SAGE Open Access Portal, which handles all articles, i.e. both hybrid and fully open journals (Gold).
Publish free of charge in hybrid journals
To make use of the agreement for hybrid journals
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
When an article has been accepted for publication, the author receives an email informing that the article can be published with open access through the agreement with Bibsam. The author is asked to go to SOAP.
- In SOAP, open access publishing is the default option, but you can opt out.
- If you choose Open Access publishing, CC BY becomes the only licensing option. You can contact the publisher directly if they prefer a different type of license.
Publish at a discount in fully open journals
The agreement gives a 20% discount on publication in the publisher's fully Open Access journals (Gold Open Access). The publication cost is to be paid by the author.
To make use of the agreement for fully open journals
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication. The library checks the author's affiliation with the University of Gothenburg. Thereafter, a 20% discount is automatically deducted from the invoice that is to be paid by the author.
Publish free of charge in hybrid journals or at a discount in fully Open Access journals
- The agreement provides access to unlimited publication with open access in the publisher's hybrid journals.
- The agreement provides a 20% discount on publication in the publisher's fully open journals (Gold Open Access).
- Articles accepted for publication after January 1, 2020 are covered by the agreement.
The publisher has a script management system SOAP, SAGE Open Access Portal, which handles all articles, i.e. both hybrid and fully open journals (Gold).
Publish free of charge in hybrid journals
To make use of the agreement for hybrid journals
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
When an article has been accepted for publication, the author receives an email informing that the article can be published with open access through the agreement with Bibsam. The author is asked to go to SOAP.
- In SOAP, open access publishing is the default option, but you can opt out.
- If you choose Open Access publishing, CC BY becomes the only licensing option. You can contact the publisher directly if they prefer a different type of license.
Publish at a discount in fully open journals
The agreement gives a 20% discount on publication in the publisher's fully Open Access journals (Gold Open Access). The publication cost is to be paid by the author.
To make use of the agreement for fully open journals
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication. The library checks the author's affiliation with the University of Gothenburg. Thereafter, a 20% discount is automatically deducted from the invoice that is to be paid by the author.
Science Online
Publish with a discount
All authors at the University of Gothenburg receive a 10% discount on the APC for the journal Science Advances.
To make use of the agreement
State the University of Gothenburg patron number at AAAS/Science: 11946989
About the agreement with Science Online
Publish free of charge
Authors affiliated to the University of Gothenburg can publish Open Access in all SPIE Journals without any cost.
To make use of the agreement
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
Springer Compact
Publish free of charge
Through the university library's agreement with Springer, researchers at the University of Gothenburg doesn’t have to pay to make their articles freely available. The agreement applies only to the corresponding author. All the hybrid journals from Springer (approximately 1600 journals) are included in the agreement.
To make use of the agreement
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
About the agreement with Springer Compact
Springer Nature fully open access journals
Publish free of charge
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg can publish without any charge in all Springer Nature fully open access journals. The article processing charges are covered by a national agreement with the publisher. The agreement applies only to the corresponding author.
To make use of the agreement
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
Taylor & Francis
Publish free of charge
The agreement with Taylor & Francis is a national consortium agreement that allows authors affiliated to the University of Gothenburg to publish their articles with instant open access in Taylor & Francis' hybrid journals (Open Select).
To make use of the agreement
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
Publish free of charge
The agreement with Wiley provides access to publish with open access in Wiley's hybrid journals and fully open titles. Publication within the agreement applies to articles accepted by the publisher after 1/1 2020.
To make use of the agreement
As a corresponding author, you shall state your affiliation to the University of Gothenburg and use your email address from the University of Gothenburg when you submit an article for publication.
Information for authors at Wiley
Contact us about APC discounts
Contact the Library if you have any questions about APC discounts.
Telephone: 031 786 66 71