Request microfilms and older printed newspapers

Use our form to reguest newspapers on microfilm and older printed newspapers from the closed premises at the Social Sciences Library. The premises are closed due to construction work of the West Link.

Please note that we only pick up requests for employees at the University of Gothenburg, provided that the material is not available in digital form.

Request the material

You can request a maximum of 10 microfilms at a time. For older printed newspapers, state your need and we will try to meet it as best we can.

How to fill out the reguest form:

  1. Describe which material you want to order. Enter the title, year and date of the newspaper.
  2. Enter your name and surname.
  3. Fill in your e-mail address at the University of Gothenburg, for example

You will receive a message from us when the material is available to read at the Humanities Library. Note that this may take time. We pick up orders when possible based on ongoing construction work.

  • Describe your question

How to use the material

The construction work of the West Link makes it impossible to use microfilms and older printed newspapers at the Social Sciences library's premises at the moment. Employees can instead use the material at the Humanities Library. A microfilm reader and a scanner are available there, as well as a special reading room for the use of the fragile older printed newspapers.

If you are not affiliated to Gothenburg University

We refer you primarily to digitized material in the database Svenska dagstidningar, which contains approximately 1500 titles from the year 1645 to the present day. It is also possible to order copies of pages from older printed newspapers via the National Library in Stockholm.

  • Describe your question