Get started with Endnote

Endnote is a software that helps you collect and manage your references. Endnote makes it easier to insert citations and create a bibliography when you are writing a text.

Download and install Endnote

The reference management software Endnote is available to students and staff at the University of Gothenburg. If you are a student, you can download Endnote from the Student Portal. If you are an employee, you can download Endnote from the Staff Portal. Choose Endnote 20, which is the most recent version of the program.

Download Endnote from the Student Portal
Download Endnote from the Staff Portal

If you have a PC, make sure to save both EN20Inst.msi and License.dat in the same folder on your computer. Open EN20Inst.msi to start the installation.

If you have a Mac, download and open the file Mac_EndNote20_Installer.dmg to start the installation.

On the Endnote website you find information on what operating systems, browsers and word processors Endnote works best with.

Compatibility and system requirements for Endnote

Start using Endnote

Once installed, you can start downloading references to Endnote from databases and search services. You can save and manage the references in an Endnote library, insert them as citations in your Word document and create bibliographies according to various citation styles.

How to get started

To learn the basics of the program you can use Endnote's own guide or come to the libraries' demonstrations of Endnote.

Getting Started Guide (Endnote website)
Time and place for the libraries' demonstrations of Endnote

Save references from Supersearch

You can create a reference directly in the Library's search service Supersearch, and then download it to your Endnote library. For each title in the search results there is a quotation mark icon.

  1. Click the quotation mark next to the title you wish to create a reference to.
  2. Click RIS Endnote, select UTF-8 as encoding and then click Download.

Download modified style templates

When you install Endnote, a selection of common citation styles are included. If you can't find the style you want to use, more styles can be downloaded from the Endnote website.

Output styles (Endnote website)

The Library has created own versions of style templates which you can save in Endnote and use in your Word document. Our templates can be useful if you don't want to use the English templates included with Endnote.

The Library's citation style templates:

How to use the templates:

  1. Click on one of the templates to open it in your Endnote-program.
  2. Choose Save as and save the file in the Styles folder.
  3. Open your Word document and choose Style from the Endnote X9 tab.
  4. Select your new style from Select another style.

The bibliography in your Word document will be updated according to the new style.

Retrieve full text directly

You can use the Library's link server to retrieve articles in full text to references in your Endnote library. Follow these steps to add the address to the link server:

  1. Open Endnote and choose Edit - Preferences (PC) or Endnote X9 - Preferences (Mac).
  2. Choose Find full text.
  3. Input the following URL in the OpenURL Path field:
  4. Input the following URL in the field URL:
  5. Click OK to save. Log in with your GU account if prompted by Endnote.

You can now start to retrieve full text directly. Follow these steps:

  1. Open your Endnote library and select the reference you want to retrieve the full text for.
  2. Choose Find full text from the Endnote menu bar.

Once the full text is downloaded, Endnote will display a paperclip icon next to the reference.

Online Search in Libris for Mac

Online Search is a feature for searching databases from within EndNote's own interface. To use Online Search in Libris (the Swedish National Library catalogue), a connection file is required. If you have a Mac computer, you need to download the file. For PC, the connection file is included when you install Endnote.

Contact us about Endnote

Contact us if you have questions about Endnote.

  • Describe your question