
KvinnSam have collections in women's studies, men's studies and gender research. Since 2018, KvinnSam is a research infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg. KvinnSam is located at the Humanities Library.

At KvinnSam

Special reading room for fragile materials

The Humanities Library has a special reading room intended for studies of the University Library's most fragile and valuable materials. In here you may read manuscripts, rarities and other items from the special collections.

About the special reading room and opening hours

Disturbing noise during the building of the West link

Until 2023, rock caverns and tunnels will be drilled and blasted out in the area around the Humanities Library. At the beginning of 2021, a work tunnel will be built under the library, as part of the West Link project. The work will involve disturbing noises from drilling and blasting. The noisy work will mainly take place from 7 am to 7 pm on weekdays. You can register with the The Swedish Transport Administration’s explosion warning service so that you receive a message 30 minutes before each explosion that takes place in the area.

Sign up for the explosion warning service here

Read more about the West Link

Accessibility of the premises

KvinnSam's premises are located at the Humanities Library. The library's entrance is accessible for people with disabilities. A lift is available on all floors. Contact the library staff if you need help with material picking.

The KvinnSam website

KvinnSam produces several databases and digital resources in women's studies, men's studies and gender research. KvinnSam also collects manuscripts and archival material in women's history. You can find more information about KvinnSam's activities, databases, and archives at KvinnSam's website.

To Kvinnsam's website

Contact KvinnSam

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Mailing address

Box 222
405 30 Göteborg

Visiting address

Renströmsgatan 4
405 30 Göteborg


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Opening hours for KvinnSam

Opening hours autumn 2021

From 27 September
Monday - Thursday 08:30 - 20:00
Friday 08:30 - 19:00
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday Closed

Other opening hours

20 – 26 December
Monday – Thursday 08:30 – 17:00
Friday – Sunday Closed

27 December – 2 January
Monday – Thursday 08:30 – 17:00
Friday – Sunday Closed

3 – 9 January
Monday – Tuesday 08:30 – 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 – 16:00
Thursday Closed
Friday 08:30 – 17:00
Saturday 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday Closed