Evacuation of the Social Sciences Library 2022–2024

27 May 2021

Due to the construction of the West link, the Social Sciences Library will be evacuated from 2022 to 2024.

Image showing exterior view of the Social Sciences Library

The Social Sciences Library will be evacuated in two phases:

  • Phase 1: 1 January 2022 - July 2022, reinforcement of the foundation
  • Phase 2: autumn 2022 - autumn 2024, construction of a train tunnel

During phase 1, the library's premises can not be used at all because heating, ventilation and IT will not work. Large parts are moved to evacuation premises.

During phase 2, the construction of the train tunnel that will go straight under the building will cause such major disruptions that regular operations can not take place in the building on Vasagatan 2. Therefore, the evacuation premises will continue to be used. The library may keep the premises on Vasagatan open to some extent in order to access the material that is not moved.

To the Social Sciences Library

The Social Sciences Library is moving to Viktoriagatan

The evacuation premises is located on Viktoriagatan, in the same building as the university's large examination hall, on the entrance level. The temporary premises are significantly smaller than the library's regular premises and this means that operations during the evacuation period will be somewhat limited. The library prioritises the services that are most in demand.

Service and opening hours Viktoriagatan

  • Manned information desk Monday – Sunday
  • Borrow and return books
  • Pick up of requested books and interlibrary loans
  • Wi-fi with GU account

Collections - prioritised sections are moved to the new premises

Textbooks and reference books are moved to the new premises. They are prioritised as they are especially important to the students. The journal collection and monographs will probably be moved in their entirety. It is unclear whether the printed newspaper and microfilms can be moved to the new premises. This means that access will be limited - especially during phase 1.

Study places - all types, but fewer

As the premises on Viktoriagatan are significantly smaller, the number of study places will be reduced from just over 400 to about 100. The library will continue to offer different types of study places: quiet places, computer workplaces, group rooms and reading studios for students with reading disabilities.

Study places are also available at seven other libraries that may also be used by students of the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Economic Library, which is closest, has just over 400 study places.

Teaching - no impact

Teaching information retrieval and reference management for students and researchers will not be affected by the evacuation. Teaching will take place both on Viktoriagatan and digitally via Zoom.

Services for researchers - no impact

Teaching in information retrieval and reference management as well as guidance in information retrieval, support for publishing and support for reference management programs will be offered as usual.

Questions and contact

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions.

  • Describe your question