This is - test environment for the library
Extended opening hours and more study places
As the general advice on keeping distance ceases and the University gradually moves to campus-based activities, the University Library also opens up its premises. The libraries opening hours will be expanded, group rooms will be opened and there will be more study places. In connection with this, overdue fines are reintroduced.
Extended opening hours and more study places
The libraries extend their opening hours from 27 September. At the same time, the group study rooms will be opened for group work and more study places will be available at the libraries. Some libraries have extended opening hours for students and staff with GU cards. More information about the libraries opening hours can be found on each library page.
Our libraries and opening hours
Overdue fines and manual renewals
To prevent the spread of infection, the library has had automatic renewals of borrowed material and has not charged overdue fines for materials such as textbooks. In connection with the opening hours being extended, we are reintroducing overdue fines and manual renewals. This means that you have to renew your loans in My loans.
Remember to return or renew your books on time to avoid overdue fines.
More information about loan periods and renewals
Reduce the spread of covid-19
Everyone should be aware of the symptoms of covid-19. If you suspect that you have covid-19, you should stay at home and avoid contact with other people.
If you are not fully vaccinated against covid-19, you should keep your distance from other people and avoid close contact with people who belong to at-risk groups.
More information at the Public Health Agency of Sweden
Use the library from home
We already offer large parts of our library service online. As usual, students and staff access the library's electronic resources from home by logging in. We continue our increased distance service and offer, among other things, information desk, instruction in information searching skills and events via Zoom.
Available remote services
- Contact our information desk in Zoom
- Search support with a librarian
- Service for students with reading impairments
- Book instruction in information searching skills
- Library services for researchers, such as reference management support and more
- Events for students and staff via Zoom
Materials that are available remotely
- Find articles, e-books, e-journals and other materials in Supersearch
- The library's databases
- The library's journals
- Scanned card catalogues of older material
How to access electronic materials in from home
Contact us
You can find contact information on the libraries' own pages or fill out this contact form to get help.