This is - test environment for the library
Exhibition on Näckrosen's development presents architectural proposals for a new University Library
With its central location midway between Korsvägen and Götaplatsen, Näckrosen campus is a unique place in Gothenburg, the city of knowledge. A lot will happen in the area over the next few years, but not at the same time. Now you can visit an exhibition that tells you about the physical development of the area.
With its location midway between Korsvägen and Götaplatsen in Gothenburg, the Näckrosen area is both a central and somewhat hidden university environment. The park is appreciated by the Gothenburg citizens and many students have come to know the place during their time at the University of Gothenburg.
In the coming years, the Näckrosen area will change and now there is an exhibition in place that describes the plans. The purpose is to give students, employees, surrounding residents and others who move in the area, an overall picture of what is planned in the area.
An area in continuous development
Since the World Exhibition in 1923, Näckrosen can be described as an area in continuous development. Since then, the transformation towards a central university area has been successive. Now the University of Gothenburg and the property owner Akademiska Hus are in the middle of the next development leap for the area with a shared vision of the campus area Näckrosen as a cross-border meeting place for humanities, art, and culture.
In December 2019, the new Humanisten building was ready. Planning is underway for a new building for the Faculty of Arts and an architect competition for a new university library is in full swing. There is a lot going on in the university area Näckrosen, but not everything happens at the same time, as the exhibition describes.
Exhibition in four parts
The exhibition is divided into four parts and is placed in the four places: Outdoors outside the building Artisten, and indoors in the entrances to Artisten, the Humanities Library and the building Humanisten. The parts work both for those who want to know more about an individual project, but also for those who want to take a walk between the different parts.
The architect proposals for a new University Library are displayed
Last summer, Akademiska Hus opened up an architectural competition for the design of a new library for humanities and art in the middle of Korsvägen and Götaplatsen in central Gothenburg. The interest in designing the new library was very great and now the jury has selected seven contest proposals. These seven contest proposals are on display at the Humanities Library.
The University Library needs new premises to continue to develop a modern library business and to create a creative, physical meeting place for academia and society. The new library building will bring together the current Humanities Library, the Art Library and the Music and Drama Library under the same roof. The seven competition proposals clearly show a needs-adapted library environment with research and education at the center. The proposals also show how the university can open up to the city and enrich the city life around Korsvägen, which will undergo a major change through, among other things, the new station for the commuter train connection West Link (Västlänken).
– The new library will be an open meeting place for teachers, students, and researchers in the arts and humanities area and offer an inspiring and varied study environment. We will take care of and expose our fantastic collections and unique cultural heritage, and be at the forefront in terms of digitization and accessibility. Here, collaboration and meetings can take place between people, research and academia, as well as with the Gothenburg citizens and the business community, says Helena Siesjö, library manager at the Humanities Libraries.
The architect teams are confidential
The architectural teams behind the proposals is a secret, even for the jury, until the winner is appointed in June. The competition is organized in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, the City of Gothenburg and Sveriges Arkitekter.
Visit the exhibition
All competition entries are on display at the Humanities Library on Renströmsgatan 4, open for everyone to visit, until 31 May. Welcome!