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New opportunity for researchers to gain access to Elsevier articles
July 1th 2018 the University Library's journal agreement with Elsevier was ended and it has no longer been possible to access published articles after this date. Now all researchers and employees can once again get access to articles from Elsevier.
The University Library has now implemented the Get it Now service, which gives researchers and employees at the University of Gothenburg the opportunity to order Elsevier articles directly to their own e-mail addresses.
The articles can be accessed via the library's search service, Supersearch, the library's databases and Google Scholar. Use your e-mail address when ordering, and you will get the article delivered as a PDF-file directly to your e-mail. The PDF-file can be used for 120 days and printed twice. It is not allowed to share either the PDF-file or the paper print of the article to anyone.
Most of the items are delivered within hours, usually just after a few minutes. Orders can be made around the clock every day of the week, including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
The ordering service does not work for articles that have not yet been published, so-called ahead of print. Neither for the supplement. As before, you can order these through the library's ordering service.