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New search service for journals where you can publish Open Access with a discount or completely free of charge
A new search service will make it easier for researchers at Gothenburg university to find journals where you can publish open access with a discount on all or part of the publication fee.
About the search service
All journals covered by the library's agreements are included in the search service, nearly 12 000 journals. From a quick search, you can see summary information at the journal level and, if needed, click through to the publisher agreement pages. These publisher specific information pages offer detailed information on how to get journal articles published open access within the agreements.
About article processing charge
When publishing in an open-access journal, you or your department often have to pay a publication fee to the publisher. The publication fee is called APC, article processing charge.
Discounts are available to researchers at the University of Gothenburg for all or part of the publishing fee through the University Library’s agreement with several publishers. The publishing fee is paid by the Gothenburg University Library.
Contact Us
Contact the Library if you have any questions about APC discounts.
Telephone: 031 786 66 71