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On trial: AccessMedicine and GIDEON
Students and staff at the University of Gothenburg have access to GIDEON until 30 April and AccessMedicine until 30 June.
AccessMedicine provides access to the most recent editions of a collection of core medical reference and textbooks such as Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, and Goodman & Gilman’s Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics.
Apart from ebooks, the platform includes quick reference, information on drugs, audio recordings, videos, cases, study tools and patient education handouts.
Some features require you to register a free individual account.
GIDEON (Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network)
GIDEON is a global infectious disease knowledge management tool. It is designed to assist in diagnosing infectious diseases and staying current on the latest trends in epidemiology and treatment.
GIDEON is used for diagnosis and reference in the field of tropical and infectious diseases, epidemiology, microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy.
Contact us with your comments
Please fill out our contact form and tell us what you think of AccessMedicine and GIDEON. Your feedback is important to us when deciding whether we should buy the resources.