New e-resources in science and technology

12 April 2019

Access Engineering

Reference works and e-books from McGraw-Hill in technology, electronics, chemistry, biomedicine etc. Contains several Schaum's Outline titles which gives an introduction to a subject.

AccessScience : McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Online

The database contain more than 8 500 articles, definitions, biographies of scientists, searchable illustrations, evaluated web resources, research updates and science news.

AIP Scitation

Journals and conference proceedings from American Institute of Physics and its member societies. Covers physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering, materials science, mathematics and associated disciplines.

AMS Journals

Journals from the American Mathematical Society. You find the journals in the library's list of journals.

BioCyc database collection

BioCyc contains a collection of Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs), and advanced tools to analyse data.

Derwent Innovations Index

Patent information from Derwent World Patent Index®

ICSD Web (Inorganic Crystal Structure Database)

Facts database for crystal structure of inorganic compounds.


A bibliographic database that covers scientific literature in the fields of electrical engineering, physics, electronics and computer science. Inspec is published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), and is one of the world's most definitive bibliographic scientific engineering research databases.


Journals from the Institute of Physics and other learned societies.


E-books and reference works in technology and chemistry. Also contains a search tool for substances and properties as well as interactive tools for analysis of tables and diagrams.

Morgan & Claypool Computer & Information Science E-books Collections

E-books in computer science and engineering.

Optics infobase

Journals on optics and photonics published by the Optical Society of America. You find the journals in the library's list of journals.


A tool for published chemical information: chemical compounds, chemical reactions and related literature citations.


A portal to chemistry and related information providing access to a collection of chemical substances, reactions and literature references.

SPIE digital library

Journals in physics, optics, light and photonics.

Springer Materials

Comprehensive database with facts about materials, their chemical and physical properties and uses. Based on the classical reference work Landolt-Börnstein.

Reference works in chemistry

  • Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
  • Ullman's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
  • Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials