This is - test environment for the library
Welcome to our new website
The university library's new web is here. A simpler, clearer and faster website that makes the library's information resources and services available and easy to navigate for all users.
We have focused on making it easier for you to use the library's information resources and services. The website has a clearer design and is easier to navigate with shortcuts directly to the requested services.
We have improved our database list and made it easier to filter on topics and material types. Through the new A-Z list, you can find brief information about much of the library's materials and the search services you use to find the materials.
Library opening hours have been given a clearer view, and it is easier to get in touch with us. That way we can support more students, researchers and other users of our libraries.
Contact us about the site
Please contact the library's web team if you have questions about our new website.